Whirlpool® Gold AD70USS Dehumidifier

 Whirlpool® Gold AD70USS Dehumidifier

Whirlpool® Gold AD70USS Dehumidifier
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Friday, January 18, 2013

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Remove Musty Household Odors

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Remove Musty Household Odors


A musty odor is clearly not a desirable quality of for a house, it tends to give the impression of a dirty place and whilst it might actually not be noticeable to the owners it will almost certainly be so to visitors creating entirely the wrong sort of impression. Furthermore musty odors can also indicate the growth of mould which can trigger allergic reactions in some people and can be most discomforting.

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Remove Musty Household Odors


Free accessible way to lower radon gas


Free accessible way to lower radon gas

Tube. Duration : 3.05 Mins.

Free accessible way to lower radon gas
Radon invisible radioactive USA second leading cause of lung cancer gas comes from the earth. Most American homes have negative basement lower floor pressure due to HVAC cold air return duct leakage, supply duct leakage in crawl spaces, house stack effects because lighter warn air rises, moist air rise effect because lighter moist air rises, exhaust fans, basement fan contraptions that suck air out of homes, dryer, fireplaces that suck air out of homes, appliances that have power exhaust vents, and attic access panels that are not sealed permitting thermal bypass or escape of conditioned indoor air. These conditions permit radon to be sucked out of the soil ground at cracks, holes, sumps, crawls, slabs, penetrations, and joints. You want a slightly positive lower level pressure minimizing the sucking of radon gas. Check, your lower levels with a pressure gauge, smoke, or even toilet paper to see if have negative pressure or depressurization. You may need to seal cold air returns or sump pumps, keep house fans off when not in use, seal all attic access panels, keep interior doors open, run a basement dehumidifier, condition crawl spaces, install chimney balloons in chimneys not being used, and finally, open the lower level HVAC supply registers to blow furnace air to slightly pressurize. If your basement blows, it cannot suck radon. You can test yourself or have your home and granite countertops tested by a home inspector. If you still have radon, you need to call a radon ...
Free accessible way to lower radon gas

Free accessible way to lower radon gas

Free accessible way to lower radon gas

Free accessible way to lower radon gas

Musty odors can come and go dependent upon the time of year and the weather. In the summer for example when the air conditioning is left running a great deal the air flow may eliminate the musty odor, however the cause may remain to come back and haunt you in the darker seasons.


7 Sure-Fire Ways to Remove Musty Household Odors

Basements are often then source of such musty odors and the odor may have been caused by problems such as high humidity, cracks in walls allowing moisture in or merely from condensation. In order to prevent and stop the musty odor it is important to find the primary cause although bear in mind there may well be more than one factor causing the problem. Although the use of a home dehumidifier will allow you to alleviate the problem either partially or somewhat immediately, the following will enable you to track down the root cause of the problem most quickly and gain a complete elimination:

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Remove Musty Household Odors


To prevent condensation on water pipes which can be a source of moisture particularly in winter months is to cover the water pipes with an insulated pipe wrap, these are relatively cheap and are an easy w3ay to prevent moisture dripping of the pipes and onto the floor.

Often house basements due to their lack of air flow build up high humidity levels and cause dampness, This causes the musty smell which can then rise throughout the house. Installation of a basement dehumidifier can prevent this problem from occurring and remove excess moisture, just make sure you have a drain available in order to take away the excess water gathered by the dehumidifier otherwise you may have to purchase a dehumidifier with a hose pipe and pump.

Check that any moisture suspected to be from condensation on pipes isn't actually from tiny holes. This problem can be solved most simply by attaching a pipe leak clamp if the hole is very small an epoxy compound can solve the problem with little problem, ask your local building supplier about both of them.

A more serious problem is that of weeping walls where moisture simply seeps through from the outside. The following process should help eliminate moisture coming from weeping walls: Ensure a dry forecast. Run a dehumidifier and fans to dry the walls.

Using a brush with strong stiff bristles scrub the weeping areas with trisodium phosphate, which can be found at most regular home improvement stores and will clean the surface for you, allow the scrubbed walls to dry again completely. Seal the walls with a latex concrete sealer following the manufacturers instructions. This procedure on its own should prevent all future weeping, if not then you'd better bring in a professional.

Cracks in walls are also another potential source of moisture and may occur even in very new houses. The cracks may be classed as active and likely to widen further or hopefully inactive and not likely to widen. Most cracks are not major and can be done with ready mixed concrete easily enough and a knife.

By following the above suggestions, focusing on your specific problems and with addition of a dehumidifier it is likely that you will be able to solve even the most persistent of household musty smells.

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Remove Musty Household Odors





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SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion


SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion

Video Clips. Duration : 1.38 Mins.

SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion
I'm so glad I was home when this happened as this unit sits next to my gas line! Pardon my improvisation during this crisis, it's not intended to brand bash and have been pleasantly surprised with Soleus's customer service so far ... I'd promised their customer service representative who encouraged me to post this video that I'd create a follow up a month later to share how they handled the situation. Sadly, its been over a month of waiting - youtu.be
SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion

SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion

SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion

SoleusAir Gree GM-DEH-45-1 Dehumidifier Spontaneous Combustion




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ItemTitle Specifications



*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dehumidifier


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